The Winding
Banister Review, the journal of ideas and creativity edited by and featuring the work
of students in the Honors College, is now
accepting submissions for Issue 4. Please go to:
addition to our general call for submissions (essays, fiction, interviews, art
work) we are looking for the following:
about science, Life in the Lab, etc., and discussions on ethical issues
regarding scientific advancements; for example: should research about dangerous
flu viruses be made available to the public? Since the WBR is geared toward the
general but curious reader, a good model for essays geared toward a general
readership would be Discovery Magazine
or National Geographic. Please
submit. We are happy to provide a link to the data portion/full paper of any
science submission we accept. Send
And speaking of science,
consider this:
physicists in Switzerland recently confirmed the existence of the Higgs boson,
the so-called “God particle.” The WBR
would like your thoughts regarding this discovery in terms of specific
disciplines and frames, namely those of the living-learning programs in the
Honors College: Honors Humanities,
Digital Cultures and Communities, Integrated Life Sciences, Gemstone,
Entrepreneurship and Innovation, and University Honors. How do you see this
discovery impacting your discipline, and is that impact a positive or negative
one? Creative and radical thinking welcomed! For information on the discovery,
here’s the National Science Foundation the press release:
Some other “hot topics”:
GIRLS. The new HBO series Girls, which debuted this summer, is making waves not only in the
20-something demographic it’s dramatizing but in the wider culture, too. What does this series say about life
after college, sex and job hunting, and do you see it mirroring your world, or
is it just “another show”? We would like to hear from both men and
women about this show and the issues it raises.
2012 is an election year: are you going to vote? For the first time? If not why not?
What does this election mean to you and to your generation? We welcome all politic commentary, but
please keep it within our word count (2,500 max).
We want reviews of cultural
events, new
recordings, books, films, trends.
Let’s face it: we want
everything, as long as it’s good. Our goal is to consider submissions from all
of the programs in the Honors College.
accept submissions year-round, and we’d love to consider yours. Hope you had a great summer and here’s
to a good fall semester.
Suplee, Editor
Winding Banister Review
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