Friday, February 14, 2020

Engineering Sustainability Day Video Contest

Focus 2020: How can science and engineering solve societal issues?

In conjunction with the 2020 MEI2 Engineering Sustainability Day,
University of Maryland students have the opportunity to enter a video

This year's Engineering Sustainability Day will be on April 21st
in the Clark Hall Forum.

Guidelines for the Video Competition

The University of Maryland and the Clark School of Engineering seek to propose ways to maximize thepositive impacts of providing societal needs for energy while minimizing the negative impacts on the environment. The video competition seeks to engage students in this mission by encouraging them to develop solutions utilizing cleaner energy generation, energy efficiency, energy storage, or other innovative approaches towards long-term sustainability. Teamwork and interdisciplinary work are encouraged.


The video competition is open to individual and teams of current UMD students at the graduate and
undergraduate levels.

Questions to Answer in your Videos

Each video must answer the following questions in a 3-5minute presentation:
1. Target: What societal energy need is your science/technology targeting?
2. Method: Describe the technology that you would use to reduce energy consumption, utilize renewable resources, and/or minimize negative impact on the environment.
3. Local Impact: Based on your best estimates, what would be the cost of implementing your solution and the value of improving the resiliency and sustainability in your neighborhood or on campus?
4. Broader Impact: What is the lasting impact not only for the UMD campus, but also for our nation and the world?

Post your video to Submit the link for the video and the name(s), email(s), year(s), and major(s) of the video's creator(s) to by April 15th, 2020.

A committee of Clark School faculty members will select the winning videos, based, in large part, on their success in answering the questions listed above.

• $500 to first place, presentation of the video at the workshop, and a link to the video from the MEI2
• $300, to second place, presentation of the video at the workshop, and a link to the video from the MEI2 website.
• $200, to third place, presentation of the video at the workshop, and a link to the video from the MEI2 website.

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