Monday, September 10, 2012

Stamp Advisory Board Membership Application




The Adele H. Stamp Student Union – Center for Campus Life is the community center for all members of the College Park campus including students, faculty, staff, and visitors.  The Stamp provides a central place for students and others to learn, socialize, and relax while coming to feel more closely connected to the campus.  The Stamp contributes directly to the educational mission of the University of Maryland by providing opportunities and encouragement for participation in educational, social, and recreational activities.  It also contributes to the success of student organizations and provides services for the personal convenience of the whole campus community.


As an integral component of managing the Adele H. Stamp Student Union – Center for Campus Life, the opinions and advice of representatives of the campus community are solicited through the Stamp Advisory Board.  The purposes of the Board are as follows:


To advise the Director of the Adele H. Stamp Student Union – Center for Campus Life on matters of policy related to the administration of the Stamp.


To conduct social, cultural, educational, and recreational programs for all members of the University community including students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests of the University through support of Student Entertainment Events (SEE).


To provide for students, opportunities for experience in social responsibility and leadership.


To strengthen bonds of friendship among all members of the University community.


To advise the Director of the Adele H. Stamp Student Union – Center for Campus Life, as needed, in the employment of administrative staff.


To advise the Vice President for Student Affairs, as needed, in the appointment of the Director of the Adele H. Stamp Student Union – Center for Campus Life.


Some of the issues which are addressed by the Board each year include the budget process for the Stamp allocation of student organization office space, review of programs and funds allocated to SEE, selection of the recipient of the Adele H. Stamp Memorial Award, and  review of retail and food outlets in the Stamp.


In addition to those members of the Board who are appointed by the Student Government Association and the Graduate Student Government, and those members who serve in an ex officio capacity, there are at-large members of the Board who are selected through an application procedure.  Persons interested in serving as at-large representatives are to complete the application form on the reverse side of this sheet and submit it for review by the Stamp Advisory Board.












Name:  ______________________________            ID#:  _________________________


Address:  ____________________________            Work Phone:  __________________


E-mail:  _____________________________             Home Phone:  __________________



Check one:      ___ Undergraduate Student               ___ Anticipated Graduation

___ Non-exempt Staff                                    ___ Graduate Student            (Master’s or PhD)                   ___ Faculty                                         ___ Exempt Staff                              

___ Alumnus/a

GPA:  ____



Are you available on Friday afternoons at 3:00pm?     ____ Yes     ____No


Would you be interested in being a member of the Building Utilization Committee? ______

The Committee on Building Utilization recommends to the Board policies pertaining to the utilization of space and facilities of the Union, including but not limited to space allocations in the Student Involvement Suite for student organizations, space reservations, and general facilities.


Would be interested in joining the University Book Center Advisory Board? _____________

The purpose of the UBC board is to maintain two-way communication between the UBC management team and various segments of the university. The UBC advisory board will serve in an advisory capacity to both the Director of the Adele H. Stamp Student Union-Center for Campus Life and the University Book Center management team to assist and provide feedback with regards to making operation improvements, reviewing both short-and long-range goals and reviewing general service and operational philosophy.


  1. In what ways have you been involved with the Adele H. Stamp Student Union – Center for Campus Life? 





  1. What organizations do you belong to?




  1. What leadership roles have you held or are you holding?



  1. Why do you want to be a member of the Stamp Advisory Board?







I certify that the information above is correct to the best of my knowledge.





Signed:  _______________________________________          Date:  ____________






















Application forms must be returned by September 19, 2012, no later than 12:00pm.

to Marie Jenkins in 3100 Stamp Student Union. 



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