The GREEN Program is a short-term experience which combines education, adventure, service learning and cultural immersion that creates a lasting impact and helps you gain global perspective to advance your career.
year GREEN is launching a new program in Iceland, which was
recently recognized as the "greenest" country in the World. This program
is offered in partnership with Reykjavik University, which provides
transferrable academic credit upon completion of the 10-day program.
post-program benefits allow like-minded students to stay connected
through the GREEN Alumni Network. The Network provides Alumni access to
hundreds of other passionate students across the world, internship and
job opportunities, as well as industry events.
To gain a better understanding of The GREEN Program, visit our website for a sneak peak of the program and to apply.
Spots on each program are limited to 20 students. Applications are approved on a rolling basis, and spots fill on a first-come, first served basis. Submit your application for the program dates below.
To gain a better understanding of The GREEN Program, visit our website for a sneak peak of the program and to apply.
Spots on each program are limited to 20 students. Applications are approved on a rolling basis, and spots fill on a first-come, first served basis. Submit your application for the program dates below.
Costa Rica 9-Day SPRING BREAK Programs (4 options)
March 2nd - March 10th
March 9th - March 17th
March 16th - March 24th
March 23rd - March 31st
Iceland 10-Day SUMMER BREAK Program (1 option)
Costa Rica 9-Day SPRING BREAK Programs (4 options)
March 2nd - March 10th
March 9th - March 17th
March 16th - March 24th
March 23rd - March 31st
Iceland 10-Day SUMMER BREAK Program (1 option)
June 14th - June 23, 2013
Costa Rica 12-Day SUMMER BREAK Programs (16 options)
May 15, 22, 29
June 5, 12, 19, 26
July 3, 10, 17, 24, 31,
August 7, 14, 21, 28
Costa Rica 12-Day SUMMER BREAK Programs (16 options)
May 15, 22, 29
June 5, 12, 19, 26
July 3, 10, 17, 24, 31,
August 7, 14, 21, 28
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