NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS OFFICE - Udall Scholarship in Environmental Issues
Francis DuVinage, Director – Leslie Brice, Coordinator –
Are you a Sophomore or Junior strongly committed to
making a difference in environmental issues through your studies,
community service, and career plans?
WHO CAN APPLY: US Citizens, nationals and permanent
residents - Sophomores, Juniors - GPA of 3.4 or higher recommended -
All Majors
IMPORTANT: All candidates for Udall Scholarships
must nominated by their college or university. Dr. Wendy Whittemore is
Maryland’s campus advisor for the Udall Scholarship. Please contact us
at for information about the University of Maryland nomination process.
The Udall Foundation seeks future leaders across a
wide spectrum of environmental fields, including policy, engineering,
science, education, urban planning and renewal, business, health,
justice, and economics. The Foundation regularly
awards 80 scholarships and 50 honorable mentions on the basis of merit
to sophomore and junior level college students who have demonstrated
commitment to careers related to the environment. Udall Scholars take
part in a four-day Orientation in Tucson, Arizona
where they meet with other Scholars, elected officials and
environmental leaders. Scholars also gain access to a network of
environmental policy professionals through the Udall Alumni listserv.
Because contributions to the environment can be
made in many different ways, Udall Scholars represent a broad range of
academic majors and career interests. Recent Udall Scholars have majored
in environmental sciences and policy studies,
agriculture, political science, natural resource management, sociology,
anthropology, American Indian studies, tribal public policy, history,
English, theater, landscape architecture, and public health, to name
just a few areas.
Award Amount: The Udall Scholarship provides up to
$5,000 for tuition, room and board, or other educational expenses. Udall
Scholarships may be used for tuition, fees, books, room and board, or
other specifically approved expenses.
Duration: The Udall Scholarship provides one year
of support. Sophomores who receive a Udall Scholarship are eligible to
reapply for a second year of support.
UMCP Campus Deadline: Friday, February 8, 2013
- All Maryland applicants for nomination to the Udall Scholarship
competition must turn in their applications online with supporting
materials to the National Scholarships Office, 2403 Marie Mount Hall, by
this date.
Director, National Scholarships Office and Maryland Center for Undergraduate Research
2403 Marie Mount Hall
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Phone: (301) 314-9458
Fax: (301) 314-0085
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