Monday, December 3, 2012

Staff Openings for Winding Banister Review

STAFF OPENINGS:  Web Master/Mistress. Preferred skills: Ability and willingness to learn new technologies on the fly.Experience with website design and management and relevant skills (mainly HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Photoshop or similar software).Experience with Drupal (a huge plus) or similar content management systems. Responsibilities: Design and maintain the website. Upload and proofread content. Create graphics to accompany articles and for marketing. Collaborate heavily with the staff with ideas to improve.The main requirement is the ability to pick up new technical skills quickly – we can teach you the basics, but you will need to develop and troubleshoot independently.

Interim Editor: must have excellent writing,proofreading, grammar and usage skills, and be able to "see" the promise of a submission and edit it with grace and care. Should be able to direct others on the WBR staff, as well as work closely with submitters. Should have knowledge of and curiosity about the current world of ideas, art, science and cultural developments, and be able to brainstorm with staff and students about future issues of the WBR. Must be capable of meeting deadlines and being the public face of the WBR. Shouldn't be shy about sharing ideas, or getting others to do the same. Past experience with editing/research/creative endeavors encouraged. Knowledge of online journals/blogs, and up-to-date computer skills also needed.

Art Director/Illustrators: must have skills that relate to online design, drawing, graphics and photography. Responsibilities include creating visuals to go along with submissions; judging visual submissions; working closely with both editor and web master; recruiting and overseeing freelance illustrators; keeping up to date with the world of online art, as well as demonstrating curiosity about visual culture in general. Must be able to meet deadlines.

Public Relations/Marketing: must be able to coordinate all in and off-campus publicity, including email listservs; create and maintain contacts in all Honors Programs; work with media and newspapers; brainstorm on ways to increase readership of the WBR; be the spokesperson for the WBR, and have the capacity to meet deadlines and share ideas with other staff. Knowledge of other online journals, especially college journals, helpful.

Readers: currently we have two science readers and one humanities reader, but we could always use more. Creative and conscientious minds are best, so contact us if you are interested in being considered for a staff position.
For all questions or enquiries, write:

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